About Kafshcom
About Kafshcom

Iran's online shoe market
who are we It has been a while since traditional activities alone will not be the answer to your work. It doesn't matter what field you work in, the presence of your business in the online space is essential We are with the activists of the shoe industry to make a strong presence for them. Let's go back to the initial question; Shoecom is the largest online store based on knowledge Iran's shoe industry. We have created a variety of services for manufacturers, distributors and sellers, including pricing systems based on customer and product categories, comprehensive payment methods, smart discounting systems, high variety of products, and more. Services are diverse. You may have a question, which team has taken responsibility for the work of Shoecom? We must say that the Shoecom team consists of specialists and engineers in the fields of IT, digital marketing, media and commerce, which markets It has targeted domestic and foreign. And a more important question, what is the targeting of shoecom? Targeting is the foundation of any business, and Shoecom is able to do this; In terms of short-term and long-term goals, we have planned 4 phases for the coming years, which are as follows: 1. Internal trade 2. Foreign trade 3. B2B Market-Place Platform 4. 4. B2C Market-Place platform In an age where organization agility and business productivity are talked about, it is your turn, your business; It needs to be updated.